How does MODI$club work?
Sign up for a FREE Provider Account with a useful web control panel to help you do the following:
- Build up your list of mobile audiences through
See our Plans & Pricing;
- Create, publish and manage your campaign(s) for your audiences to join - promotional, coupons, reminders, emergency/safety alerts, surveys, contests, voting, trivia, etc.;
- Track and transfer your viewers from other advertising medias (eg. billboard, print ads, radio, website) using your SMS keyword and use the new mobile database for future SMS marketing and communication;
- Improve your brand, sales or rapport with your audiences by engaging them - send valuable and viral messages and receive helpful feedbacks from your audiences;
It only takes a few minutes to get your campaign set up! No coding, no development!
Start seeing Return on Investments today by reaching your audiences where they are and not where they will be!
How SMS keyword works
Sample of a message & database list